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Serving Black Moms & Babies Since 2014, BBC has evolved into a multi-layered, holistic set of services that, in addition to pregnancy and postpartum support, gives local women from historically economically depressed neighborhoods, opportunities to increase their personal and family wealth through employment with livable wages, and address other needs that inhibit their quality of life and that of their children and families.

The Village of Joy campaign was inspired by the mural shark&minnow created for BBC.


"Village of Joy is an illustrated representation of the support, community, and empowerment Birthing Beautiful Communities provides to their mothers. The village consists of doulas who work directly with expecting mothers during every stage of pregnancy and through the first year of life.


Village of Joy portrays a caring doula standing behind and supporting two mothers with open arms. One mother is expecting while the other is holding her newborn baby. This represents how the doulas support, advocate for, and encourage the mothers – no matter where they are on their journey to motherhood. Colorful organic shapes and patterns overlap and blend into the women’s clothes representing the hope, love, and comfort that come with being supported by the village at Birthing Beautiful Communities." *Explanation and mural art by shark&minnow.


-  Event Concepting & Consulting

-  Event Wayfinding Signage & Banners

-  Event Favors & Experience

-  Case for Support

-  Video Graphics




Birthing Beautiful Communities has come to us to design all signage and come up with a way to display their work for their events in an interactive way.

For their Birth Center Launch Event, we created an exhibit called "Transforming the Narrative" in which the event attendees recieved 5 balls upon entrance, and they dropped
their balls into 10 different common fear jars of the  
pregnancy/postpartum journey. In front of these jars, we featured a sign label on foam core with an explanation nearby as to how BBC is combatting that fear. The symbolism of dropping the balls into the jars is carried out through the action of letting those fears go, and allowing BBC to take them off of your mind. 

In addition to event displays and experiences, we also designed favor ideas. We worked with a local chocolatier to design custom packaging and choose specific flavors and coloration to design a custom favor package with symbolization for the organization.


The Case for Support was designed to use emotional imagery and bright colors and patterns to reflect the Village of Joy mural that we created. Printed on smooth paper, the case for support provides an emotional and tactile experience that invites the viewer into the heart of the organization. 

In addition to the Case for Support, we also created a landing page for the campaign, email templates, and a video with graphics to help further push the ask. 


*project & photography created through shark&minnow

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© 2019 Lauren Mackenzie Graphic Design

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