Birthing Beautiful Communities is a non-profit organization and community of birth workers, or doulas, primarily providing social support to pregnant women at highest risk for infant mortality during the perinatal period. Embedded within BBC’s services are strategies to address the social determinants that impact infant mortality. These include education, engagement, and systems change — systemic racism, Medicaid coverage, maternity and family leave and comprehensive sex education.
- Logo Refresh
- Brand Guidelines
- Website
- Email Campaigns
- Swag
- Brand Brochure "Magalog"
- Videos & Graphics
- Out of Home Billboards/Bus Shelters
Birthing Beautiful Communities came to us in 2019 for what initially began as just a logo refresh. After establishing a strong connection and relationship with the client, our contract was extended for 4 years and on. Over the past few years, we were able to take a local nonprofit, and make it nationally recognized and funded. Through our work, Birthing Beautiful Communities has established more brand materials, swag, and beautiful brand collateral that they use for each donation ask, and even came to us for many event planning strategies and design.
With each project, we continue to assure that the emotional pull from their organization shines, and we hope to continue to draw the need for funding such a beautiful organization, as they continue to battle Black mother and infant mortality on a local and national level.
The Birthing Beautiful Communities website prior to our work was lacking in storytelling, emotional inspiration, and didn't present the organization in a way that explained the problem and their solution offerings in a strong enough manner. Our website design was designed to use strong photography and language with clear services, all leading to the call-to-action of donation or recruitment.
The Birthing Beautiful Communities Magalog, amongst their annual report, and birth center case for support, are each printed brochures that display beautiful photography, graphics, statistics, and strong language meant to draw emotion from the readers, and inspire them to continue to draw more awareness to the organization or get involved somehow.
This magalog was designed to establish brand awareness around the community issue and as a tool to be given to prospective donors, clients, and new hires to help explain the mission/vision and services of the organization.
Following a photography session provided by our in-house team, our team worked to develop Birthing Beautiful Communities’ brand brochure and refreshed brand identity as well as website, to best represent BBC for their next generation of clientele and services. The magalog was produced and mailed out to all existing members and prospective clients/donors to raise awareness and funding for the organization. A donor card was included in the back of the magalog folder along with return envelopes for easy return.
The BBC out-of-home advertising was strategically displayed around the Northeast Ohio region in areas where bus shelters are heavily used for different Black communities who may want assistance when it comes to perinatal care.
Overall, working with Birthing Beautiful Communties has been a truly eye-opening, beautiful experience, and has led to many opportunities in the marketing world.

*project & photography created through shark&minnow
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